Nifty Nines


Niftie 9’s is our “Tennis Nursery” that runs on Saturday mornings from 9 – 10am. It is a chance for our younger members under 10 to play tennis in a fun atmosphere with the emphasis on FUN. The games are based on building up their basic tennis skills while at the same time keeping it fun based.

“Nifities” is NOT coaching. It is run by volunteers from the club and not by any coaches. The volunteers are there just to supervise and try to develop the kids interest in the sport. Plus it gives the kids a chance to make new friends and have a run about.

  • All members welcome anytime.
  • There is no need to register and there is no cost. Just turn up when you can.
  • Parents are advised to add their details to the Juniors WhatsApp group to keep them up to date regarding cancellations. Please contact us at if you wish to be added to the group.
  • Parents that wish to get involved are welcome to stay, no formal experience is required just a willingness to get stuck in and have some fun.

This will run on Saturday mornings unless, weather, holidays or tournaments are taking place. Please note that communications regarding cancellations etc will be through the WhatsApps group.